SANTO DOMINGO- DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. May. Last Sunday May 29th JB Foundation was celebrating Mother's Day in the Dominican Republic.
Dominican Republic was celebrating Mother's Day on Sunday May 29, as usual JB Foundation was performing its annual activity "Mother Forever" which we have been doing since May 2018.
With much joy and love we were able to share with some of the mothers of the Santo Tomas De Aquinos Community in the Sector Los Tres Brazos, in addition to this activity we were also part of the Mother's Day celebration held last Friday at the Catholic Missionary Center Franciscan Sisters Bernandinas.
In our Mother's Day activity we had the presence of 60 mothers from the Santo Tomas De Aquino community in Los Tres Brazos, they received a breakfast from our foundation and three raffle prizes.
Mother Forever is an annual activity carried out by JB Foundation in commemoration of Mother's Day in the Dominican Republic. Since the beginning of the foundation this activity has been taking place in the Santo Tomas De Aquino community of the Los Tres Brazos sector in Santo Domingo East.